Matplotlib: Compare Values with Different Color in Bar Chart

In this tutorial, we will compare values with different color in one bar chart. You can implement it in matplotlib.

Matplotlib - Compare Values with Different Color in Bar Chart for Beginners

1.Import library

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

2.Prepare compared data

data = [[10,30,25,40],
X = np.arange(4)

In this example code, we will compare three group data.

3.Create a bar chart to compare

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1]), data[0], color = 'b', width = 0.25), data[1], color = 'g', width = 0.25), data[2], color = 'r', width = 0.25)

4.Display bar chart

Run this code, you will see this compared chart:

Matplotlib: Compare Values with Different Color in Bar Chart